Sunday, December 21, 2008

Part B

First Amendment:
"Freedom of religion,speech..."
The first amendment explains the right the people have to talk about and practice the religion they believe in. The people can express how they feel and their view on the religion and they can gather together publicly and openly talk about it. I honestly don't agree with how the people have the right to talk about and do what they want or say what they want. I feel as if every year there is another issue or topic that can not be discussed in certain places. For example talking about religion is fine but where as in the workplace of schools it is not acceptable. People can not discuss openly about there religion or their practices as the amendment says. Freedom of speech has its limits and the people are allowed to say certain things but when authority is in charge nothing can be said. Is this really what freedom is?

Twenty-Sixth Amendment:
"Right to vote"
This amendment talks about the right to vote and lowering the age to vote. The people of the United States if 18 years of age should be allowed to vote. Depending on the state, the state is allowed to if they wanted, to change the age of voting and lower it below 18 years old. I agree with this amendment and wished that the age to vote was lower because it would give teenagers such as myself the right to vote and be apart of history. If the age was to be lowered i think that young people under the age of 18 will feel like they have a say in their future.

Full Faith & Credit”. What does that mean for gay marriage?
According to article four it says that states cannot discriminate against the people from other states. This to me implies that no matter what everyone should be treated the same. As for gay marriage people should not be held against what they believe or feel. If article four explains that there should be no discrimination why is gay marriage banned in places such as California?I personally don't feel the Constitution is equal or balanced i feel as if there are many issues that are being contradicted.

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