Part A
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility,provide for the common defense,promote the general welfare,and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity,do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
The preamble explains and makes clear that all laws should be followed and that justice is served in America. The purpose being that everyone stays safe and everything is under control. The preamble doesn't state any laws or rules but just some limitations.
Legislative Branch:
-divided up into two sections (the senate and the house of representatives)
-house of representatives are elected for two years
-senate is elected for six years
-certain qualifications for the representative
-senate may propose bills
-has control of taxes
Executive Branch:
-in order to become president there are qualifications such as being American born
-the president has say on which laws can be created
- make sure all laws are being followed
-president remains for four years and can be elected for another term only once
Judicial Branch:
-lower federal courts
- supreme court
-looking over laws
-deals with problems within states
-Who had say in the Constitution?
-Where did they get all of the laws?
-Who thought of making different branches within?
-What are each branch not allowed to do?
-do they ever think about how many laws are not followed?
When doing this i was tired and it got boring toward the end. Some of it interest me such as what each branch can do and how everything is broken down into sections. It amazes me how much is followed but at the same time how much is not. There are many things that can be changed with the Constitution to better it but as of now it gives the people and outline such as boundaries. Some of the constitution can be fair such as in the judicial branch and how they over look laws. I feel like there is little information giving for each branch such as what they do. I found this assignment fairly hard because i didn't understand a lot that was going on and what everything meant. I had to reread a lot of the information so I could understand it more.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Updated Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Walmart....
During class, we started talking what thanksgiving means to us, how the tradition is to say what your "grateful" for and some responses family members say when asked that question. It was hard to hear some of the things that were said in class because the way everything was put was like if it was all crap. Some people take life for granted but not everyone. What was said during class sounded as if everyone does because we started talking about the Pilgrims and the Indians. When the topic was brought up i have to be honest and say i didn't remember all the key factors on what happened. Talking about it refreshed my mind and kind of gave me a whole new idea of thanksgiving. I thought about the whole concept of celebrating thanksgiving when many people died. Now in my family we celebrate it and say what we are thankful for but never has the conversation about what happened in the past has been brought up. I can say that I didn't have the guts to bring it up because I thought that it would create a big ruckus and I didn't want to play a part in it. So you can say I chickened out. But as the family gathered all I could think about was what if it happened to us? I left it alone and enjoyed the meal that had been prepared for the family. Looking back on my thanksgiving this year i wish i would have brought up the topic about the Pilgrims and the Indians. Since i didn't bring it up this time i wont know until next thanksgiving and who knows if i will bring it up then. The discussion about the meaning of thanksgiving and the history behind it has changed the way i see somethings in my everyday life. I feel like now i want to know more about different holidays and the history behind it to make it more meaningful.

But not only did i not bring up the Indians and the pilgrims but I didn't want to bring up the concept of black Friday. My family is known to buy as much as they can in so little time on that day. But this year was different. In past years my parents would wait in line for hours just to get deals that are supposed to be "unbelievable" and slowly year after year they began to say it got out of hand. But that didn't stop them. This year they didn't go to the stores but rather shopped online as if they were in the store. Still playing a role in black Friday chaos, even though they didn't go out. Honestly my family and I are victim's of black Friday and what society calls it to be the biggest "money maker" of the season. But this year because of all the economic issues everyone thought that sales would decrease on that day. But in Wal-mart many customers who waited online for hours rushed in the store "knocking the door of the hinges" stomped all over a temporary worker and killed him. But still that didn't stop shoppers. People were upset that Wal-mart was going to close for a few hours because of that incident. It is amazing how people have no sense to even think about what happen but rather moved on to what was "more important" such as getting the deals. Reading this article was very surprising to read what these people were saying when the incident happened. I feel as if Americans in this situation didn't have any common sense at all because it seemed as if everyone was for themselves and didn't even give thought to a man that just died because people trampled over him.

But not only did i not bring up the Indians and the pilgrims but I didn't want to bring up the concept of black Friday. My family is known to buy as much as they can in so little time on that day. But this year was different. In past years my parents would wait in line for hours just to get deals that are supposed to be "unbelievable" and slowly year after year they began to say it got out of hand. But that didn't stop them. This year they didn't go to the stores but rather shopped online as if they were in the store. Still playing a role in black Friday chaos, even though they didn't go out. Honestly my family and I are victim's of black Friday and what society calls it to be the biggest "money maker" of the season. But this year because of all the economic issues everyone thought that sales would decrease on that day. But in Wal-mart many customers who waited online for hours rushed in the store "knocking the door of the hinges" stomped all over a temporary worker and killed him. But still that didn't stop shoppers. People were upset that Wal-mart was going to close for a few hours because of that incident. It is amazing how people have no sense to even think about what happen but rather moved on to what was "more important" such as getting the deals. Reading this article was very surprising to read what these people were saying when the incident happened. I feel as if Americans in this situation didn't have any common sense at all because it seemed as if everyone was for themselves and didn't even give thought to a man that just died because people trampled over him.

Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas 2008...
WHAT A DIFFERENCE!!! I must say that this Christmas was an eye opener because it was different than previous years. As usual my parents get my sister and I tons of gifts and ask us what we want or "wish" for. But this year there wasn't that option. My parents to me cut back on the amount of presents. We usually get a family gift that everyone shares such as a game system but this year there was no family gift. All the gifts we got, I'm grateful for but it was surprising. Everything this year was cut back because of the economy. Spending $20 now has changed since past years. Now you only get one or two things at the most but before you used to get your moneys worth. This Christmas has changed the way i see things. I am grateful for the little gifts I received even though it wasn't what i expected. This shows us how people will try and get the best for the money they are spending. I wish that today would be like before when everything was cheaper.
Update Ebay...
The eBay experience wasn't what i thought it would be. I thought there would be a lot of bidders and I would have to go back and forth with people. I thought if i go back and forth the price i would pay for the item would be more than it is worth. I was surprised to find that I was the only bidder for this item. The item I was bidding for was a zebra blackberry phone case. Since I was the only bidder and won within an hour it was like if I had clicked "buy it now". I really didn't experience the whole idea of capitalism and how it works but by doing this I noticed a lot of things. As the demand is low so will the price because I won this item with the starting price ($7.99). While looking for an item to purchase I found it amazing how people will go to the maximum to buy and item just because it is cheaper on eBay. It amazing how so many items are cheaper on eBay than in the stores making the "American way of life" lazy such as the click of a button. While hearing about this assignment in class i was shocked how I would have to purchase something with my own money that I am probably not going to use. You can say I was being cheap but I didn't feel comfortable putting my credit card information out in the open. I also found it hard because in order to have an account with eBay you have to be 18 years or older and I wasn't going to lie about my age. So since I wasn't of age I had to rely on someone who had an account already. What got me frustrated is how society works after winning the phone case for $7.99 there was the same exact one for starting bid $5.18 and it still didn't have bidders. I could have easily got the same exact phone case for cheaper. It shows how American way of life is all about competing and being the best or having the best. I must say I really enjoyed doing this assignment and I cant wait until my case comes. I feel like whenever I want something for cheaper I know where to go but you just have to be careful and have an open mind. After winning I started looking for another item and now i think I am going to buy a softball bag. This for me was a great experience but i wish i had the thrill of competitors.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Part D
1. Is the Constitution an elaborate sham - a fake-out - a big founding fathers PSYYYCH!? Identify 2-3 aspects of the Constitution and Amendments that could support this argument.
I wouldn't necessarily say that the constitution as a whole is a sham but parts of it are very contradicting. I feel like the Constitution was made so there would be order and regulations but i feel that there are many that are not being followed here in the United States. The constitution is official but people don't take it seriously. Such as amendment 1, and full faith and credit. The first amendment states freedom of speech and religion but many people cant talk about their religion in the workplace or school because it is just not allowed. Full faith and credit explains how there should be no discrimination against anything even same sex partners but why is gay marriage banned in many states. There are many things that can be changed or revised of the Constitution but for what stands now that is a basic outline of what should be done to enhance society and the United States.
I wouldn't necessarily say that the constitution as a whole is a sham but parts of it are very contradicting. I feel like the Constitution was made so there would be order and regulations but i feel that there are many that are not being followed here in the United States. The constitution is official but people don't take it seriously. Such as amendment 1, and full faith and credit. The first amendment states freedom of speech and religion but many people cant talk about their religion in the workplace or school because it is just not allowed. Full faith and credit explains how there should be no discrimination against anything even same sex partners but why is gay marriage banned in many states. There are many things that can be changed or revised of the Constitution but for what stands now that is a basic outline of what should be done to enhance society and the United States.
Part C
Does the 14Th combine with the earlier "no religious test" clause to guarantee a vision of a diverse and equitable society with no government discrimination?
The 14Th amendment as well as the "no religious test" states that there can't be laws that deny a person of life,liberty,or property and that everyone is equal. Regardless of race, color or religion people are able to run for office and should not be denied the right to run. I think the 14Th amendment stands as a reassuring note to the people that we need to remember that we are "equal" and that everyone is entitled to their rights regardless of who they are.
Amendments 12, 13, 14, & 15 are often referred to as a major turning point in US government policy. Explain the importance of these amendments.
Amendments 12-15 are major in the US government because it changed the way certain things where run such as slavery. Slavery was well known and then in the 13Th amendment explains that slavery is no longer allowed. Slavery has now been forbidden in the United States and no longer can happen. Many things have changed since the Constitution was written. Many laws and amendments have stayed the same but many have changed for the better or for the worse.
The 14Th amendment as well as the "no religious test" states that there can't be laws that deny a person of life,liberty,or property and that everyone is equal. Regardless of race, color or religion people are able to run for office and should not be denied the right to run. I think the 14Th amendment stands as a reassuring note to the people that we need to remember that we are "equal" and that everyone is entitled to their rights regardless of who they are.
Amendments 12, 13, 14, & 15 are often referred to as a major turning point in US government policy. Explain the importance of these amendments.
Amendments 12-15 are major in the US government because it changed the way certain things where run such as slavery. Slavery was well known and then in the 13Th amendment explains that slavery is no longer allowed. Slavery has now been forbidden in the United States and no longer can happen. Many things have changed since the Constitution was written. Many laws and amendments have stayed the same but many have changed for the better or for the worse.
Part B
First Amendment:
"Freedom of religion,speech..."
The first amendment explains the right the people have to talk about and practice the religion they believe in. The people can express how they feel and their view on the religion and they can gather together publicly and openly talk about it. I honestly don't agree with how the people have the right to talk about and do what they want or say what they want. I feel as if every year there is another issue or topic that can not be discussed in certain places. For example talking about religion is fine but where as in the workplace of schools it is not acceptable. People can not discuss openly about there religion or their practices as the amendment says. Freedom of speech has its limits and the people are allowed to say certain things but when authority is in charge nothing can be said. Is this really what freedom is?
Twenty-Sixth Amendment:
"Right to vote"
This amendment talks about the right to vote and lowering the age to vote. The people of the United States if 18 years of age should be allowed to vote. Depending on the state, the state is allowed to if they wanted, to change the age of voting and lower it below 18 years old. I agree with this amendment and wished that the age to vote was lower because it would give teenagers such as myself the right to vote and be apart of history. If the age was to be lowered i think that young people under the age of 18 will feel like they have a say in their future.
Full Faith & Credit”. What does that mean for gay marriage?
According to article four it says that states cannot discriminate against the people from other states. This to me implies that no matter what everyone should be treated the same. As for gay marriage people should not be held against what they believe or feel. If article four explains that there should be no discrimination why is gay marriage banned in places such as California?I personally don't feel the Constitution is equal or balanced i feel as if there are many issues that are being contradicted.
"Freedom of religion,speech..."
The first amendment explains the right the people have to talk about and practice the religion they believe in. The people can express how they feel and their view on the religion and they can gather together publicly and openly talk about it. I honestly don't agree with how the people have the right to talk about and do what they want or say what they want. I feel as if every year there is another issue or topic that can not be discussed in certain places. For example talking about religion is fine but where as in the workplace of schools it is not acceptable. People can not discuss openly about there religion or their practices as the amendment says. Freedom of speech has its limits and the people are allowed to say certain things but when authority is in charge nothing can be said. Is this really what freedom is?
Twenty-Sixth Amendment:
"Right to vote"
This amendment talks about the right to vote and lowering the age to vote. The people of the United States if 18 years of age should be allowed to vote. Depending on the state, the state is allowed to if they wanted, to change the age of voting and lower it below 18 years old. I agree with this amendment and wished that the age to vote was lower because it would give teenagers such as myself the right to vote and be apart of history. If the age was to be lowered i think that young people under the age of 18 will feel like they have a say in their future.
Full Faith & Credit”. What does that mean for gay marriage?
According to article four it says that states cannot discriminate against the people from other states. This to me implies that no matter what everyone should be treated the same. As for gay marriage people should not be held against what they believe or feel. If article four explains that there should be no discrimination why is gay marriage banned in places such as California?I personally don't feel the Constitution is equal or balanced i feel as if there are many issues that are being contradicted.
Part A
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility,provide for the common defense,promote the general welfare,and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity,do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
The preamble explains and makes clear that all laws should be followed and that justice is served in America. The purpose being that everyone stays safe and everything is under control.
Legislative Branch:
-consist of the congress, the senate and house of representatives
-could change election very two years
-certain qualifications for the representative
-senate may propose bills
-has control of taxes
Executive Branch:
-in order to become president there are qualifications such as being American born
-the president has say on which laws can be created
- make sure all laws are being followed
Judicial Branch:
- supreme court
-looking over laws
-deals with problems within states
-Who had say in the Constitution?
-Where did they get all of the laws?
-Who thought of making different branches within?
-What are each branch not allowed to do?
-do they ever think about how many laws are not followed?
When doing this i was tired and it got boring toward the end. Some of it interest me such as what each branch can do and how everything is broken down into sections. It amazes me how much is followed but at the same time how much is not. There are many things that can be changed with the Constitution to better it but as of now it gives the people and outline such as boundaries.
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility,provide for the common defense,promote the general welfare,and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity,do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
The preamble explains and makes clear that all laws should be followed and that justice is served in America. The purpose being that everyone stays safe and everything is under control.
Legislative Branch:
-consist of the congress, the senate and house of representatives
-could change election very two years
-certain qualifications for the representative
-senate may propose bills
-has control of taxes
Executive Branch:
-in order to become president there are qualifications such as being American born
-the president has say on which laws can be created
- make sure all laws are being followed
Judicial Branch:
- supreme court
-looking over laws
-deals with problems within states
-Who had say in the Constitution?
-Where did they get all of the laws?
-Who thought of making different branches within?
-What are each branch not allowed to do?
-do they ever think about how many laws are not followed?
When doing this i was tired and it got boring toward the end. Some of it interest me such as what each branch can do and how everything is broken down into sections. It amazes me how much is followed but at the same time how much is not. There are many things that can be changed with the Constitution to better it but as of now it gives the people and outline such as boundaries.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanksgiving and Black Friday
During class, we starts talking about what thanksgiving means and what goes on and what family members think. But when the Pilgrims and the Indians were brought up i have to be honest and say i didn't remember all the key factors on what happened. Talking about it refreshed my mind and kind of gave me a whole new idea of thanksgiving. I thought about the whole concept of celebrating thanksgiving when many people died. Now in my family we celebrate it and say what we are thankful for but never has the conversation about what happened in the past has been brought up. I can say that I didn't have the guts to bring it up because I thought that it would create a big ruckus and I didn't want to play a part in it. So you can say I chickened out. But as the family gathered all I could think about was what if it happened to us? I left it alone and enjoyed the meal that had been prepared for the family.

But not only did i not bring up the Indians and the pilgrims but I didn't want to bring up the concept of black Friday. My family is known to buy as much as they can in so little time. But this year was different. In past years my parents would wait in line for hours just to get deals that are supposed to be "unbelievable" and slowly year after year they began to say it got out of hand. But that didn't stop them. This year they didn't go to the stores but rather shopped online as if they were in the store. Still playing a role in black Friday even though they didn't go out. Honestly my family and I are victim's of black Friday and what society calls it to be the biggest "money maker" of the season. But this year because of all the economic issues everyone thought that sales would decrease on that day. But in Wal-mart many customers who waited online for hours rushed in the store "knocking the door of the hinges" stomped all over a temporary worker and killed him. But still that didn't stop shoppers. People were upset that Wal-mart was going to close for a few hours because of that incident. It is amazing how people have no sense to even think about what happen but rather moved on to what was "more important" getting deals.

But not only did i not bring up the Indians and the pilgrims but I didn't want to bring up the concept of black Friday. My family is known to buy as much as they can in so little time. But this year was different. In past years my parents would wait in line for hours just to get deals that are supposed to be "unbelievable" and slowly year after year they began to say it got out of hand. But that didn't stop them. This year they didn't go to the stores but rather shopped online as if they were in the store. Still playing a role in black Friday even though they didn't go out. Honestly my family and I are victim's of black Friday and what society calls it to be the biggest "money maker" of the season. But this year because of all the economic issues everyone thought that sales would decrease on that day. But in Wal-mart many customers who waited online for hours rushed in the store "knocking the door of the hinges" stomped all over a temporary worker and killed him. But still that didn't stop shoppers. People were upset that Wal-mart was going to close for a few hours because of that incident. It is amazing how people have no sense to even think about what happen but rather moved on to what was "more important" getting deals.

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